См. документацию.
1 <?php
3 /**
4  * @file
5  * @brief шаблон tivo-1.0.0
6  */
8 isset($user) or require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/page/404.php';
10 const USE_ASSETS_PATH = '/assets/examples/tivo-1.0.0';
12 ?>
13 <!DOCTYPE html>
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113  <?php require $CONTENT_PAGE_FILE; ?>
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119  <defs>
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121  .cls-2 {
122  fill: #5f4def;
123  }
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126  <title>footer-frame</title>
127  <path class="cls-2" d="M0,72.427C143,12.138,255.5,4.577,328.644,7.943c147.721,6.8,183.881,60.242,320.83,53.737,143-6.793,167.826-68.128,293-60.9,109.095,6.3,115.68,54.364,225.251,57.319,113.58,3.064,138.8-47.711,251.189-41.8,104.012,5.474,109.713,50.4,197.369,46.572,89.549-3.91,124.375-52.563,227.622-50.155A338.646,338.646,0,0,1,1920,23.467V79.75H0V72.427Z" transform="translate(0 -0.188)" />
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134  <h4>About Tivo</h4>
135  <p class="p-small">We're passionate about offering some of the best business growth services for start more words</p>
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144  <div class="media-body">Our business partners <a class="white" href="">example.com</a></div>
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148  <div class="media-body">Read our <a class="white" href="">Terms & Conditions</a>, <a class="white" href="">Privacy Policy</a></div>
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155  <h4>Contact</h4>
156  <ul class="list-unstyled li-space-lg p-small">
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159  <div class="media-body">22 Innovative, San Francisco, CA 94043, US</div>
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163  <div class="media-body"><a class="white" href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> <i class="fas fa-globe"></i><a class="white" href="">www.Tivo.com</a></div>
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179  <p class="p-small">Copyright © 2020 <a href="">Template by Inovatik</a><br>
180  Distributed By <a href="" target="_blank">ThemeWagon</a>
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190  <?= Wrong\Html\Get::script($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/assets/system/js/main.min.js') ?>
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192  <script src="js/swiper.min.js"></script> <!-- Swiper for image and text sliders -->
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196 </body>
198 </html>
static script($filename)
Definition: Get.php:58
Definition: from-user.php:38
setcookie('FROM_UID', $uid, [ 'expires'=> time()+31536000, 'path'=> '/', 'domain'=> $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'secure'=> Wrong\Start\Env::$e->IS_SECURE, 'httponly'=> false, 'samesite'=> Wrong\Start\Env::$e->IS_SECURE ? 'None' :'Lax']) or setcookie('FROM_UID' $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
Definition: from-user.php:36
Definition: main.php:21
Definition: tivo.php:10
Definition: tivo.php:9