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16  <h2>Here’s how you can get a natural glow this party season</h2>
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18  <li><img src="img/blog/blog-author.jpg" alt=""> John Doe</li>
19  <li>Dec 06, 2019</li>
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35  <h5>Step 1 - Anesthesia</h5>
36  <p>Medications are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedure. The choices
37  include intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. Your doctor will recommend the best
38  choice for you.</p>
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41  <h5>Step 2 - The incision</h5>
42  <p>Depending on the degree of change you'd like to see, your neck lift choices include a
43  traditional neck lift incision or a limited incision neck lift.</p>
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47  <p>A traditional neck lift incision often begins in the hairline at the level of the sideburn,
48  continues down and around the ear and ends in the posterior hair. Fat may be sculpted or
49  redistributed from the jowls and neck. The tissue underlying the neck skin is repositioned,
50  and commonly the platysma muscle is tightened. Skin is redraped over the uplifted contours
51  and excess skin is trimmed away. A separate incision under the chin is often necessary for
52  liposuction of this area and for repair of the muscle. Sutures or skin adhesives close the
53  incisions.</p>
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73  <p>A limited incision neck lift may involve incisions only around the ear. While the incisions
74  are shorter, the results may be more limited.</p>
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78  <h5>Step 3 - Closing the incisions</h5>
79  <p>Incision lines are closed with sutures and perhaps skin glue. Sutures may be dissolving,
80  or may need to be removed after a few days. Once healed, the incision lines from a neck
81  lift are usually well concealed within the hairline and in the natural contours of the
82  ear.</p>
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85  <h5>Step 4 - See the results</h5>
86  <p>The visible improvements of a neck lift appear as swelling and bruising subside. Your
87  final neck lift result should not only restore a more youthful and rested appearance,
88  but also help you feel more confident about yourself.</p>
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106  <h6>Looking for Music & Sounds for my new Android...</h6>
107  <span>Nov 27, 2019</span>
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118  <h6>Looking for Music & Sounds for my new Android...</h6>
119  <span>Nov 27, 2019</span>
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134  <h5><a href="#">What are the steps of a body lift procedure?</a></h5>
135  <span>Dec 06, 2019</span>
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145  <h5><a href="#">What are the steps of a neck lift procedure?</a></h5>
146  <span>Dec 06, 2019</span>
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156  <h5><a href="#">How to shop for a cosm surgery procedure</a></h5>
157  <span>Dec 06, 2019</span>
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